Crozer EM family is tight and warm. We regularly post crew events on this blog and tell the world who we are and what we are up to. But some times we just take pictures of each other during shifts, conferences, meetings, various venues. They don’t make it to the dedicated posts on the blog. Nonetheless, they are important. These are small but important moments which remind us how valuable we are for each other.
So we decided to make a post of these random snapshots in time… Enjoy!
Max Cooper and Was Ali at Mike Shalaby’s wedding party, New Orleans, Jan 2023Max, Shalaby (the groom), Morgan Ritz and Melissa Yu at Shalaby’s wedding party, New Orleans, Jan 2023Melissa, Morgan, Waj and CoopCooper takes the stage, New OrleansKarima Sajadi, the groom, Amina Sajadi, Melissa, New OrleansRaghav and Shalaby hit the gym in Florida, while Raghav is doing his elective US rotationRaghav and Dr. Richard Hamilton, our chair, at the journal club @ Philly Boathouse Boathouse and Crozer EM journal clubPhilly Boathouse. Crozer crew at the journal clubCooper feeding himself during the shiftSajadi and Kenna in the fishbowl. The headphones? It must have been that fire alarm…Mark Saks, the PD, is welcoming the newly minted seniors to the adult life. They are now the main guys who run the ERDr. Conor Welch is demonstrating his flexibility. Raghav and Coop assembling furniture in US officeUS officeOur stellar DO residents fix each other’s back problems in ED the osteopathic way. Well, Alex fixes Kenna Marsha and Brandon Eilberg on X-mas EveMarsha and Dan Kallush on X-mas EveOur paramedics bring candies and X-mas spirit to Crozer ER.Marsha and Sajadi at X-mas EveKenna with her X-mas spiritPD and APD at work during X-mas EveBeing a PD still doesn’t excuse you from vacuuming the floorsBut you can delegate some of it to your faculty… Steve doesn’t mindKeeping in touch with alumni. Pam Maisey is celebrating her attending life at Parc, Rittenhouse SqFormer mentor and mentee are catching up on their life. Karima and Pam at Parc, Rittenhouse sqEvan inn is our former resident, now attending, with awesome girls Angela Saponaro and Megan SchlegelmilchThe actual cardiac arrest that happened in the elevator. The residents bringing the patient to the resus bay while already doing their life-saving magicMark Saks is being silly. And Sumaya Mekkaoui loves itCoop donates his body to the US science. Melissa Yu and Leslie Weaver were our US fellows, now graduated and missed very muchCooper takes the stage again. Sumaya finds it very importantRyan Yee is about to depart to Hawaii as an attending. So he has been leid on his last shiftCongrats, Ryan! His last shift before he goes back to Hawaii where he came from. It was hard for him to see snow and deal with cold weather for the whole 3 years of residencyCCC meeting. The core faculty: Tom Ball, Sumaya, Coop, KarimaThe Red Phone. “What?? Can’t hear you!!! Yes pulse or No pulse??? Say it again!” Life of an ED senior is hard, as per Steven DePaulSome cool Burberry frames in ED. Courtesy of Marsha